but they re actually going to keep back and hold clos e to the vest information thatld only the killer would know. rk now, mark, speaking as a mom for a moment, if my son or o daughter were at thisr is u universitynivers and i d heard,c we don t havt,e the suspect, we don t seem to have it doesn t seem like there are many big leads, but it s safe on campus. would i just wouldn n t feel that way. maybe that s irrational, but fee that s the way i would feel.l. your reaction to that? i wou i would agree.ld b buutt i think the mindset of wht we ve been going through for probably the last 10 orterror 20 years is terrorism and active shooters on campuiss and that s wherey a lot of. security is geared. now, when the detectives g and the officers got to thee scene, they realized that this crime scene and these victims crime scene and these victims were killed. mark, thank you. weec appreciatene your input.t it wasclalonpa wheres you.