be the motivation for hanging onto it if you re talking about it from a law enforcement perspective. i am surprised at the manifesto has not been released considering the defendant in this investigation is the c-spa however, the police are also assisting on the decision whether to release this manifesto. there could be one that they re worried about but i do think it should be coming out sooner tha later. easily could be something they re worried about, give me an example of that. maybe there s element of the crime that we are not aware of and may have involved other people and other targets. if you listen to some of those statements, he talks about family being possible targets, the talk about amal being possible targets is welcome but i agree, think that transparenc is really quite important at this time, especially with everybody in the country on hat crimes, more information would be better for everybody. let me share a bit of the thoughts from the vice presiden to be had a c
statistics of the media, i hold dickerson and others in a different category. we are journalists. we are not just the media. we are part of the apparatus in this country that are supposed to hold the powerful accountable. when you say the media are biased, yes, absolutely. my problem is with the journalists being biased and when you talk about subjects as important, you have to get the facts right. that s when we have to lean then because i do think they re out there fairly. most people in my category where we may not have watched that entire speech, that s the problem i have. contractually, you don t have all the facts, right? you and i are addicted to c-spa c-span. that s where we need to get to so it s not so much about who s right. michael: and is to be about countability. sandra: president trump and