June’s First Friday Art Trail once again brought out crowds of visitors ready to explore the arts at 6 p.m. June 3 at the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the
A-J Media
February s First Friday Art Trail is scheduled for 6 p.m. Feb. 5 and will be virtual on Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Art’s social media and Texas Tech Public Media’s YouTube Channel at https://tv.kttz.org/virtual
First Friday Art Trail is a free, self-guided public art event. Featuring a variety of art centers, museums, galleries and businesses, First Friday Art Trail offers an ever-changing array of art exhibits in all media. In-person First Friday Art Trails are canceled until further notice due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Anyone can participate virtually by emailing jordan.canal@lhuca.org or by posting their work on social media using the hashtag #virtualkfirstfridaylbk