Today marks Epiphany, which means “manifestation.” Epiphany highlights one, two, or three biblical accounts depending on one’s Christian experience and tradition. It features one or more of the following events: the wise men’s visitation, worship, with giving of gifts to the toddler Jesus in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-12); the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the Jordan River (2:13-17); Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-12). We find in each account that Jesus’ glory as God’s light shines in dark, desolate, and unassuming places. In fact, God’s glorious light shines brightest there. This post highlights this theme in Scripture and applies it to daily life.
Today marks the second Sunday of Advent. Advent is all about waiting, and waiting often involves mixed emotions. Waiting is so hard to do in any season of life, and in any age. Perhaps it is most difficult today in an instant gratification culture, where “we want the world, and we want it now” (Jim Morrison, lyrics to “When the Music’s Over,” The Doors). No matter how young or how old, it is difficult to wait and cope with mixed emotions. This post recounts the events surrounding John the Baptist’s birth, the mixed emotions associated with it, and its bearing on our lives today.
One of the leaders at my son's care facility likes to share a quote from the film, Patch Adams. The film stars Robin Williams. The quote reads, “You treat
Listen to the podcast on your favorite app Episode Description You're not supposed to “let God take control” of your life and work. You're not supposed to
You should not support those who failed, when it mattered most, to say "no" to Donald Trump. I invite you to ponder your deepest values and take down those signs.