The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is the newest addition to the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe. Despite the show’s concept being built simply from the fantastic chemistry of lead actors Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, the show offers a poignant discussion on race in America, a rare example of a Disney property using its influence for political discussion.
The show follows the aftermath of
Avengers: Endgame where Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) is given the mantle of ‘Captain America’ by the retiring Steve Rogers (Chris Evans). Despite the gesture seemingly presented as an honour, for Sam, the title and its legacy are a heavy burden. In the first episodes of the series, Sam retires the shield, feeling he is not the right fit to represent his nation. He fears it would be divisive for a person of colour to take up the mantle that was previously adored by all. He says, “we need new heroes, ones suited for the times we’re in”. The decision is taxing on Sam and the