Chan-woo (played by Park Hae-soo) is an ambitious middle-aged man who loves making quantum physics metaphors and wants to open up his own nightclub. The first part of his plan is to recruit Eun-yeong (played by Seo Ye-ji) who he knows from his work in the industry to be exceptionally talented at acquiring high profile clients. "By Quantum Physics: A Nightlife Venture" then skips pretty much all the other steps, such as getting cop Gi-heon (played by Kim Sang-ho) as an ally, and cultivating the patronage of Gap-taek (played by Kim Eung-soo) to keep the club running, By Quantum Physics: A Nightlife Venture, Byun Hee-bong, Kim Eung-soo, Kim Sang-ho, Kim Young-jae, Lee Chang-hoon-I, Lee Seong-tae, Park Hae-soo, Park Kwang-sun, Seo Ye-ji