a week. he finally did make the trip yesterday. he was looking a little more like a child dressing up for halloween than a cabinet secretary there to bring hope and help to scared residents. here s how repeat did eventually respond to his 20 day delay. when i tried to do is balance two things. my desire to be involved and engaged and on the ground, which is how i am generally wired to act and my desire to follow the norm of transportation secretaries, others, and thinking about whether i got that balance right. no thinking needed a pothole. pete, you absolutely did not strike the right balance, right? joining me now is the man launching an investigation, house oversight committee chair james comer, congressman, good to see you. listen, i want to give you i want to get your take on this ,because we reached out to mary pete for a comment and we were actually referred to this tweet that says, i m alarmed to learn that the chair of the house oversight committee thinks that th
and the well-to-do, they move to other communities. hir they can hire security. but the very peopl.e that rely most on the criminal justice system o are the ones that lose. when these sorrow s prosecutorss get thei gr way. . so true. ge gentlemen, thanks for joining me. i appreciate it. meleg all right., he s a thief. he s a drug addict.ad he s a liar. but did he murder his wife and son in cold blood ? data on the stand? the did disgraced attorney alex murdaugh get any closer to proving his own innocence? we have the sound everyone sw talking about. that s coming up next. here t to tell you about life insurance through the colonial program. if you re age 50 to 85 andife in looking to buysu life insurance on a fixed budget, rememberic the three p e.s? what are the three p s? the three ps of life insurancear on a fixed budget are price,