the real cost of parenting. we re talking about in general, you know, $200,000, the cost of raising a child, the first couple years in the tens of thousands and let s be realistic, this is not about the baby, this is about us. we are buying status and we are being good consumers and we re getting pushed on and we really have pushers here and these are folks that really want to make a dime off of us. do we need that stroller? no. same thing we gave advice to everybody spending money. do you need it or want it. it s legitimately hard to hold the baby in one arm and fold the stroller and this is designed by four women who are themselves engineers who know if you can push the button and it goes down. that is fabulous. however, however, yes, no, it is uncomfortable and you know what innovation and ingenuity and we could have more and more and buy more. it s great. if you do not shop around and use coupon codes and find