meat is quite expensive, almost $2. which is a lot. more than most people make in a day or even two days. what are the first things you buy if you re very, very poor? very poor, soap. soap. because at least you have to look a bit clean. soap first. soap. but in between, as congolese, you have to think of dressing, looking smart, clothes. all these congolese will tell you if you give them $10, they will think of at least buying soap or food and keep make $1 to buy a shirt. so that s called pride. yeah. and there s hope. you can plan for tomorrow. for tomorrow.
pro choice, i don t know. all right. let s move on to this story. i got two others coming as well. totally different change of direction here but vitamins. i m telling you seriously, vitamins and soap, anti-bacterial soaps all ridiculous, unnecessary. we ll get to that. super soap. anti-bacterial. you know how much money i ve saved without buying soap. and water bills. but first i m doing great. shower one every couple of weeks. it s fragrant over here but you look good. business of to say, did you guys ever go to the doctors and doctors are pushing certain medicines. so katty, have you ever noticed exactly.
you if you give them $10, they will think of at least buying soap or food and keep make $1 to buy a shirt. so that s called pride. yeah. and there s hope. you can plan for tomorrow. for tomorrow.
looking smart, clothes. all these congolese will tell you if you give them $10, they will think of at least buying soap or food and keep make $1 to buy a shirt. so that s called pride. yeah. and there s hope. you can plan for tomorrow. for tomorrow.
soap first. soap. but in between, as congolese, you have to think of dressing, looking smart, clothes. all these congolese will tell you if you give them $10 they will think of at least buying soap or food and keep make $1 to buy a shirt. that s called pride. yeah. and there s hope. you can plan for tomorrow. for tomorrow. [ male announcer ] some things are designed to draw crowds.