stuff that could do damage to your lungs as opposed to the chemical that appears naturally in butter, butter products, beer and wine. you don t see people who drink lining up. uma: just a few seconds left. this will open the door to all kinds of folks who want to come forward, people work at movie theaters, people who sell microwave popcorn say, hey i have a problem too. look. that is what trials are all about. none of us know what the threshold for this chemical is. if it is too much to inhale in factory, perhaps too much to eat it twice a day out of a bag of microwave popcorn. we don t know. while we rail against the verdict, keep in mind that is a large verdict but that is the essence of punitive damages. you take a multimillion, multibillion dollars industry, you fine them a thousand bucks. it doesn t alter conduct. 7 million, people start listening. appreciate your insights. thank you. thanks. jon: from dangerous popcorn fumes to dangerous rice. consumer reports magazine
hi. my name is tommy. i am a singer. and i am a famous bloger from norway. we can get butter from the store, but i have it is inked that some of your comedians in usa are making fun of the fact that we do not have any butter products. do you know what the main ingredient is? butter. do you think this is enough for all that it will make in christmas? you don t know how it feels being without butter in christmastime. rob, he makes some valid points. we don t know what it feels like being without butter at