A biogeochemist and others raise concerns about the EPA s reliance on what they described as an outdated standard for when to remove soils contaminated by lead from mining and smelting.
At a virtual community meeting held by Montana EPA Region 8 on Monday, Atlantic Richfield Company laid out a plan to increase community involvement as the Superfund cleanup continues in Butte. Â Â
First, those in attendance were treated to a computer rendition of the ponds, boardwalks, green parks, and amphitheaters to come.
Josh Bryson, liability manager for Atlantic Richfield, presented the Silver Bow Creek Conservation Area as it will look once the majority of work is completed in 2026. This will be done in accordance with the Butte Priority Soils Operable Unit Consent Decreeâs end-use plan.       Â
Before all that green is connected by boardwalks, hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of mining waste still need to be removed, and residents near the work will have tractors, haul trucks, dust and noise for neighbors. When the parks are finally done, those same neighborhoods will be most affected by how they are