A recent letter to the editor made the following observation: “… we are paralyzed by our hatred, fearful that those we hate may succeed, so we focus instead on preventing rather than achieving …” We’re seeing this play out in local issues. For instance, a few but vocal opponents of the Tuscan Water District claim […]
The title to a recent letter to the editor “Reiterating points about the Tuscan Water District,” would be more accurate if it read, “Reiterating a false narrative about the purpose of the Tuscan Water District.” Opponents claim TWD will sell groundwater out of the county. In fact, the approval document prohibits out-of-county exports in Condition […]
Thanks for your recent coverage regarding the upcoming election for the Tuscan Water District. For years, Butte County leaders have urged farmers to form an entity to pursue supply, recharge, and conservation projects to address declining groundwater levels. In response, local farmers representing 58,000-acres submitted petitions to the Butte County Local Agency Formation Commission (Butte […]