okay? so gordon sondland takes five hours to reply to that pretty obvious text, and the new york times reports first he goes to consult with president trump, and then here is his very candid response. bill, i believe you are incorrect about president trump s intentions. the president has been crystal clear, no quid pro quos of any kind. the president is trying to evaluate whether ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that president zelensky promised during his campaign. i suggest we stop the back and forth by text. if you still have concerns i recommend you give lisa ken na or s a call to discuss them directly. thanks. it is quite obvious that he is not a disinterested party. elie, how do you deal with a witness who comes in who clearly is going to speak from president trump s script? you have to stick him with his own texts. that is a cover your butt statement if i ve ever seen one. all the other texts are so