It was a way of life.
And for 53 years he looked out for his family and the people of Liberty Township – as a husband, father, firefighter, a trustee, farmer, nursery owner, volunteer, outdoorsman, and conservationist.
The U.S. Army veteran died April 12 at the age of 79 after a long battle with lung and pancreatic cancer.
“I was raised to believe public service was your civic duty,’’ Kern said in an interview after leaving office.
Born and raised in Wyoming, Kern served 10 years as a volunteer firefighter there. His grandfather spent 35 years on council.
After moving to the family farm in Liberty Township in 1968 when he married his wife Katy, Kern became a volunteer firefighter in Liberty Township. He and Katy operated Kern Nursery and Landscaping until it closed in 2005.
FirstEnergy to open books on its political spending: Capitol Letter
Updated Feb 23, 2021;
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Rotunda Rumblings
Open book: FirstEnergy Corp. has agreed to publicly disclose all its spending on any candidates, political parties, and ballot measures through 2024, under a deal reached with a New York State public pension fund that’s a shareholder in the company, according to Jeremy Pelzer. The company announced last week that it’s scaling back its political activity in the wake of the House Bill 6 scandal.
Mass vaxx: Gov. Mike DeWine says Ohio hospitals have plenty of capacity to ramp up vaccinations if more doses become available. DeWine’s office also provided Laura Hancock a glimpse into some of the factors that state workers are considering when there is an increase in vaccine supply and the state is able to open mass vaccination sites.