Julian Walker, Vice President of External Communications and Public Relations for CWT, and Shawn DuBravac, CEO, Avrio Institute, sit down at the 2022 GBTA Convention to discuss the recently released 8th Annual CWT GBTA Global Business Travel Forecast 2023. Topics include the pressures on travel supply pricing, staffing challenges, and rising overall costs against a backdrop of strong travel demand and capacity limitations.
Like fast fashion and eating meat every day (or at least not admitting to), gas-guzzling cars are becoming distinctly uncool. People are trading in their 4-wheel drive luxury SUVs - known as ‘Chelsea tractors’ in London - for a Tesla. 90s style is back but you’re unlikely to see a celebrity driving a Submarine-esque Hummer without being trashed by their environmentally-conscious Tik-Tok followers.
The events industry is booming after the pandemic hiatus. This resurgence comes with challenges for the industry as agencies and suppliers struggle to keep up with client demand. During the pandemic, many staff at all levels were let go, agencies folded or people left the industry altogether. From hospitality staff to baggage handlers, not one area of travel and events was unaffected. The biggest challenge facing agencies right now is rebuilding teams and attracting the right talent.
We’ve all heard the saying ‘what goes up must come down’. However, when it comes to air prices for business travel, it seems it’s going to be a long time until we see anything go down. After a tumultuous few years in the wake of the pandemic, the travel industry - along with the rest of the world – has been in a state of flux.