Danielle Smith’s UCP touts a ‘libertarian, stay-out-of-my-face style of government,’ official says, but with clean energy it has taken a heavy-handed approach
The City of Sydney’s Sustainability Leadership Event on Tuesday night was partly a retrospective on the work the City’s done over several years to advance the sustainability in key built environment sectors.
Edited highlights of City of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore's speech at the Sustainability Leadership Event at the Art Gallery of NSW new building Sydney Modern now renamed Naala Badu .
Alberta towns with a view of the Rockies stand to lose a major source of tax revenue as a result of the province’s new proposed ban on wind development in those areas. .The proposed provincial rules outline an approximately 35-kilometre buffer zone along Alberta’s Rocky Mountains where wind projects won’t be allowed — regulation the province says will protect so-called “pristine viewscapes.”
Alberta has accounted for 92 per cent of Canadian wind, solar and energy-storage capacity additions last year, even during the moratorium imposed by province last summer