All five businesses received a positive recommendation from the Historic Preservation commission. After reviewing these applications and the recommendations from the Historic Preservation commission, staff finds the businesses about the three criteria to qualify for listing on the legacy business administration. Theres five [inaudible] for the Small Business Commission One for each of the regular street business applicants note motion should be in favor of the resolution. In the resolutions please, play close attention the four traditions that define the business. Once approved by the Small Business Commission Businesses must maintain these physical traditions in order to remain on a legacy business registry. For elbowroom, and San Francisco eagle bar, there bar feature is the feature that the panther businesses. Longbow jewelry, it is retail jewelry sales. For perrys San Francisco its restaurantbar. For cows Automotive Services it is Automotive Repair and maintenance services. This co
Sfgovtv were ready to start the meeting. Okay. This is the regular meeting of the Small Business Commission Held on monday, december 12, 2016, this meeting is the meeting will come to order. At 535 thank you for the staff for tlifgz that viewed an commissioner honda two or live streemd an sfgovtv. Org members of the public take this opportunity to silence our phones and please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. Speakers are requested but not required to state your name for the Record Police place speakers in the baektd a signin sheet sfgovtv could you please show the slide slide or no slide the amps paurif you have any questions about Small Business please see the all right. Get started. We get the good stuff first almost item onestop shop call to order and roll call commissioner adams commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight commissioner ortizcartagena commissioner toursarkissian commissioner yeeriley commissioner sanchez mr. Vice president we have
Meeting of the Small Business Commission Held on monday, december 12, 2016, this meeting is the meeting will come to order. At 535 thank you for the staff for tlifgz that viewed an commissioner honda two or live streemd an sfgovtv. Org members of the public take this opportunity to silence our phones and please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. Speakers are requested but not required to state your name for the Record Police place speakers in the baektd a signin sheet sfgovtv could you please show the slide slide or no slide the amps paurif you have any questions about Small Business please see the all right. Get started. We get the good stuff first almost item onestop shop call to order and roll call commissioner adams commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight commissioner ortizcartagena commissioner toursarkissian commissioner yeeriley commissioner sanchez mr. Vice president we have quorum. Next item. Item 2 general Public Comment id like to welcom
Members of the public take this opportunity to silence our phones and please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. Speakers are requested but not required to state your name for the Record Police place speakers in the baektd a signin sheet sfgovtv could you please show the slide slide or no slide the amps paurif you have any questions about Small Business please see the all right. Get started. We get the good stuff first almost item onestop shop call to order and roll call commissioner adams commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight commissioner ortizcartagena commissioner toursarkissian commissioner yeeriley commissioner sanchez mr. Vice president we have quorum. Next item. Item 2 general Public Comment id like to welcome everyone to the Small Business Commission Meeting of new agenda items for the future consideration. Members of the public that note obtain tonight agenda seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item. Item 3 discussion and possible
Paurif you have any questions about Small Business please see the all right. Get started. We get the good stuff first almost item onestop shop call to order and roll call commissioner adams commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight commissioner ortizcartagena commissioner toursarkissian commissioner yeeriley commissioner sanchez mr. Vice president we have quorum. Next item. Item 2 general Public Comment id like to welcome everyone to the Small Business Commission Meeting of new agenda items for the future consideration. Members of the public that note obtain tonight agenda seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item. Item 3 discussion and possible action an lesbian registry applications to approve the following proclamations to the legacy business registry arrow stamp and the castro street and golden gate and karate studio and project open hand the situated grounds cafe and San Francisco proximate athletic and valencia richard the Program Manager. Two minutes on this item;