cameron on a trip to drum up business opportunities for britain in africa forced to defend himself for his close relationship with andy coulson. no one argued the work he did for government was inappropriate or bad. report very jamie brooks will answer questions tomorrow before a parliamentary committee. jamie: there is an intense search underway. two people are still missing. their boat capsized in lake michigan. 8 people were onboard that vessel at the time. take a look at video of the race. we are told a good samaritan
jab at david cameron. sir paul stevenson claims he did nothing wrong, but the met police reeling from the investigation. under fire as well for hiring a former news of the world deputy editor as a p.r. consultant. a man also arrested in connection with the phone hacking scandal. rebecca brook arrested when she went into see police by appoint. and ended up under arrest. police face serious questions about why she was arrested on suspicion of phone hacking and bribery. she has not been charged. cameron on a trip to drum up business opportunities for britain in africa forced to defend himself for his close