each month, he was paid $35,000 from the president s company. the new york times notes that the penalty to making a false business entry with intent to defraud is a misdemeanor. but if it is done to commit or conceal another crime, which is what michael cohen has said it was done for, then it is a felony. and an attorney for on the trump organization has desclclined to comment on nbc news on this. i want to bring in our intelligence and national security reporter ken delaney into this conversation. f tom winters is also with us. harry lippman is also with us. let s start with you, tom. allen weisselberg, you and i have talked about him a lot what does this news mean to you? what it means to me is this. and right now the u.s. attorney s office is not commenting on this and they are not talking about it, but what i understand is that allen weisselberg was given immunity, is part of the investigation