larry: but that means no, right? well, we come to a decision. it s not always we figure it out. at the end of the day, we figure it out. if somebody really doesn t want to do something and have a strong opinion about it, we usually don t do it. larry: have you had a business bomb? phil? you all agreed on, went into, it didn t work? we were in the birmingham fire, united states or ufl or world football larry: the team? yeah. larry: the new jersey it was a different league. we were partners with the nfl. and we started off with a great partnership with the nfl. but it just didn t work out. tough to get fans out there. the brand of football wasn t what americans were used to. that was the problem. larry: so that s one sports failure, right? yes. larry: sacramento kings, while not a successful well, they re a successful franchise. yes.
if somebody doesn t want to do something and has a strong opinion about it, we usually don t do it. larry: have you had a business bomb? something you all agreed upon, but it didn t work. we were in the birmingham fire. the world football league. larry: oh, that team? the new york team, the new jersey team? it was a different league, we were partners with the nfl and we started off with a great partnership with the nfl, but it just doesn t work out. it s tough to get fans out there. the brand of football wasn t what americans were used to, that was the problem. larry: so that s one sports failure, right? yes. larry: sacramento kings, while not a success if the franchise well a successful franchise, it doesn t lose money? it has in the past, we have had our peaks and valleys like every nba team, other than the lakers. larry: how did you get into