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Transcripts For DW DW News 20190613 09:00:00

Heritage foundation earlier structural. Documentary. 21st. This is d w news live from berlin a bolus frieds and a leading Research Organization calls it truly terrifying around 1400 people have died from the disease in the Democratic Republic Of Congo now 2 people have died in neighboring uganda will vote like to kampala also coming out poland talks about building for trump after the us president tells his polish counterpart people send him an extra 1000. 00 troops the polish president promises to buy 35 u. S. Fighter jets and the football Womens World Cup in france germany will almost certainly reach the Downtown Stages of the tournament after a hard fought one nil when called for spain. Im sorry kelly great to have you with us a leading biomedical Research Organization has called the outbreak of ebola in the Democratic Republic Of Congo truly frightening the u. K. Based Welcome Trust says that the epidemic is the worst since 2016 and that it shows no signs of stopping now the World H

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190805 16:30:00

This is. Why. I tried to do it except. This is. Coming up on the. I mean. Its crap. Situations thats how they. Describe. What. Im going to welcome. Its good to have you with us india has ended a constitutional provision that governed its tradition ship with the disputes of. The abolition of offical tree 17 means the state. Will no longer enjoy near autonomous control over its affairs this Special Status has so far formed the cornerstone of indias policy in lets go. Now the entire shaded region that you see over here is a region of kashmir that india and pakistan both claim it was a Princely State at the time of indias independence in 1907 but decided to join india in the wall for the. And control was eventually divided between the 2 countries in these 2 showed it in different colors of orange that you see here optical 370 government india as mission ship in the pot on the Indian Administration it give it control over all affairs except Foreign Affairs defense and communication this has

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  另一方面,随着中国制造的不断升级,消费者对国产品牌也愈发青睐,轮胎市场国产品牌的占有率不断提升。作为京东汽车的自有品牌,京安途的产品品类覆盖轮胎、蓄电池、汽车香水等九大车品品类。此次发力轮胎产品,无疑为广大车主带来了更具性价比的选择。   在大会上,京东汽车还首次展现了京安途轮胎十堰生产基地。该工厂的轮胎生产工艺已经进化到4.0时代,无论技术水平还是生产工艺,都达到了行业领先水平,保障了京安途供应链的稳定。      在“产品+服务”模式日渐成为汽车后市场主流的当下,京东汽车所打造的“京安途+京车会+云配养车”体系,以完善的服务闭环在带给消费者更优质选择的同时,也为合作伙伴带来了更具开放性的成长生态。   京东汽车京车会业务部区域负责人范清林介绍,京东汽车今后最重

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  上市之前,东方网力便是一个耀眼的明星。2008年北京奥运会,东方网力为超百个奥运指挥中心提供视频图像支持,成功确保33个奥运场馆视频联网监控平台零故障。2010年,东方网力被Intel相中,获得了不菲的战略投资。   成功上市并非东方网力唯一的高光时刻。登陆创业板不到一年半时间,东方网力的市值急速膨胀近10倍,总市值一度超过360亿元,一时风头无两。   急剧膨胀的市值,也加剧了东方网力原实控人刘光的“野心”膨胀。上市之后,刘光开始推动东方网力大举转型,进军AI。在刘光看来,未来想让城市变得更安全,必须将Video、AI、IoT三大技术与应用场景相融合。   刘光采用的方式是大举对外并购。资料显示,东方网力的对外投资超过30起,涉及智能驾驶、智慧轨道交通、机器人、家庭摄像头、视频大数据分析、计算机视�

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