AIRPORTS: The state still owns four small local airports, rescued decades ago before financial problems forced them to close. They’re now self-sufficient. They are in Wayne, Roscommon, Macomb and …
TURKEY: In the run-up to Thanksgiving, a growing number of consumers are turning to locally raised turkeys. Meanwhile, Michigan’s flock of wild turkeys is prospering, but few of them grace …
On a vote of 4-1, the state's Executive Council approved issuance of up to $33.1 million in bonds to allow weapons manufacturer Sig Sauer to expand at its facility in Rochester, after approving a similar bond in 2020 for $21 million.
IN-SEASON PRODUCE: Buying locally grown fruits and vegetables rather than imported produce benefits Michigan farmers and consumers. By Stephanie Rauhe. FOR TRAVERSE CITY, GRAND RAPIDS, FARM NEWS, …