negative out look, usually what that means there is a one and three chance of a downgrade. what moody s is citing, it s interesting greta, like what s&p has saying it wasn t an external shock that the u.s. economy that s&p 500 put the u.s. on a fast track for a downgrade 50s 50 odds if it didn t come up with $4 trillion in cuts. s&p 500 cited the infighting in washington, d.c. they called it acreate mondayous infighting over the debt ceiling fight and deficit reduction site being detrimental to the u.s. credit rating and also moody s is echoing the same sentiment today with the negative outlook on the u.s. debt. any other credit ratings in the last couple of days made any sort of admission, we sure bush we hadn t given the toxic credit
negative out look, usually what that means there is a one and three chance of a downgrade. what moody s is citing, it s interesting greta, like what s&p has saying it wasn t an external shock that the u.s. economy that s&p 500 put the u.s. on a fast track for a downgrade 50s 50 odds if it didn t come up with $4 trillion in cuts. s&p 500 cited the infighting in washington, d.c. they called it acreate mondayous infighting over the debt ceiling fight and deficit reduction site being detrimental to the u.s. credit rating and also moody s is echoing the same sentiment today with the negative outlook on the u.s. debt. any other credit ratings in the last couple of days made any sort of admission, we sure bush we hadn t given the toxic credit