all this chaos would happen. so in the end you re either a president who believes in borders or you re not and a party that believes in our sovereignty or national sovereignty orov not. but from bush to biden, yb they followed the same playbook. it is neither wiseoo nor realistic to roundnd up millions of people, many with deep roots in the united states and send them across the border. and this was repeated today by biden s dhs secretary. secr. we inherited a broken and dismantled system that isot already under strain.anage it is not built to manage the current levels and types of migratory flows. only congressmi can fix this . so after none of them were serious about enforcing existing laws on enforcement and removal and after none o thm pushed to tighten up the asylum rules and in biden s casee dropping title 40 to of course migrants are going togr rush the border. r our agents lives are endangered
he admitted what we all know they don t really thinkth american citizenship is all that special. you 11 million people living in the shadows..y i believe are already american citizens. re yes.ncon he said that and comprehensive immigration reform is justfog shorthand, of course, for giving amnesty to i don t know, probably at at this point twenty two million illegals and i love how they always say 11 million as if that number is frozen in timeim. so it s hard to lose if you lose count here. - but i think it s- at least the third or fourth time in the past 15 years where there are supposedly conversations about comprehensive immigration reform and it always happens with a border becomes a political liability for whatever globalist party is in charge. and remember, in twenty immigrao 2007, bush tried to do something with mccain and the democrat, but the grassroots rose up, including yours truly and talk radio and it was defeated in twenty thirteen
senators tester in montana, cortez maston in nevada, kelly in arizona has been in new hampshire on new hampshire sayss we support comprehensive immigration reform just vote them out,e don t fall for the con and angle. all right. now joining me now is former u.s. border patrol chief under both presidents trump and bush, rodney scott. rodney , great to see you tonight . how concerned should we be that american politiciansol have shifted from enforcement once again to the quote comprehensive reform proposal? it should be very concerned and border security is much broader than immigration enforcement. bordereror security is simply yowing who and what is coming into your home in this massiveio amount of illegal immigration coming across the border rightd now has made it so. border patrol has no idea who is coming into our home. ml there s there s just hundreds of miles of border that are completely uncontrolledes. you
my lifetime in american president with lead fellow americans behind enemy terroris laura: i am okay but we will pick up where you left off, there is a lot to cover. this is the ingraham angle, the biden administration s mix of incompetence and outright arrogance is laid bare. we will document all of that beginning with building back weaker, that is the focus of tonight s angle. of all the heart wrenching photos i ve seen the last few weeks this one hit me right in
pentagon is incapable of advancing us interests in the middle east. we give generals every chance, the american people has spent $6.5 trillion on the war on terror with little to show for it. american soldiers, reservists and special ops all were asked to do three, four, five tours of duty. there was enormous sacrifice and suffering with huge financial cost to the american taxpayer and in the end the taliban is left in charge controlling more territory and now with bragging rights, celebratory gunfire, laughing on camera, they defeated what used to be regarded as the most powerful military in the world. americans deserve an accounting of the mistakes that were made from bush to biden. trump was the only president who wanted to end the war in a manner that couldn t be an embarrassing disaster but never