evade capture. the brothers he lost that day are always on his mind. anywhere i am, they are with me. brian: the michael p. murphy navy seal museum is finally open. that is michael and this is chris wylie. you put this together. you are executive director. since 1942 when the navy seals came to be, that s the medal of honor that was given to him by diamonds. george w. bush. it brings you right through. every moment matters, including this depiction of the countryside. we have a piece of the world center steel.
evade capture. the brothers he lost that day are always on his mind. anywhere i am, they are with me. brian: the michael p. murphy navy seal museum is finally open. that is michael and this is chris wylie. you put this together. you are executive director. since 1942 when the navy seals came to be, that s the medal of honor that was given to him by diamonds. george w. bush. it brings you right through. every moment matters, including this depiction of the countryside. we have a piece of the world center steel.
liberal. they don t compromise on anything. they only get their way by gaining power. brian: we know kennedy and nixon, there was something unsavory going on there. but in 2000, people never accepted bush 43 as president. you hear about the i will legitimacy of trump. trump challenging this election. we have to get past this how? i think there is a public debate about the electric storm college and a straight-up popular vote. it always throws people off if al gore gets more popular votes but he s not the president. but there is a reason for the electoral college and i think it s going to stay. brian: i hope it stays, and i hope we start accepting results. craig, doug, thanks for putting
liberal. they don t compromise on anything. they only get their way by gaining power. brian: we know kennedy and nixon, there was something unsavory going on there. but in 2000, people never accepted bush 43 as president. you hear about the i will legitimacy of trump. trump challenging this election. we have to get past this how? i think there is a public debate about the electric storm college and a straight-up popular vote. it always throws people off if al gore gets more popular votes but he s not the president. but there is a reason for the electoral college and i think it s going to stay. brian: i hope it stays, and i hope we start accepting results. craig, doug, thanks for putting
corrupt our most basic institutions on behalf of joe biden. were you did you think they werecapable u worked there? i argued in front of merrick garland. i got a very respectable hearing. i thought i was going to win that case but we ended up settling it in the shadow of what everyone assumed was going to be a victory. sometimes that happens in financial cases. chris wray was with me in the justice department in the criminal division back in bush 43. so i do know both of them. i just think we are living in an era that i don t recognize and increasingly i don t recognize this country anymore with these stodgy things happening. tucker: this is stalinist and at some point it is going to fight back and it s going to get ugly and i pray that it doesn t happen but i think it probably will. the whole thing is sad and i am