that was then not reported to ofsted. how do you see calcot and the care they gave in the homes you were working in? neglectful, disgusting. and i feel, yeah, just completely let down of how they ve treated these children. a number of pupils have been costed for a one to one support in the class, and they don t have them. maggie mccarthy was a teacher at a calcot school. while she was there in 2020, the company made 40% profit. this is money from the public purse that s meant to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable children in society. where s the money going? not the places it should be. it s immoral. the education and futures of these children has been stolen. calcot s owners, who live here on this luxury estate, declined to be interviewed. in a statement, they said, the company is grateful to the bbc for highlighting what it considers to be safeguarding issues.
and they don t have them. maggie mccarthy was a teacher at a calcot school. while she was there in 2020, the company made 40% profit. this is money from the public purse that is meant to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable children in society. the education and futures of these children has been stolen. calcot s owners, who live here on this luxury estate, declined to be interviewed. in a statement, they said. all homes and schools are rated as outstanding or a good and have the required number of staff. the company prioritises safeguarding all children in its care. it has added. ..all incidents it is aware of have been reported correctly and profits appear to be high as a result of holding money in accounts during covid years. so we have looked at profits.
that was then not reported to 0fsted. how do you score calcot on the care they gave in the homes you were working in? neglectful, disgusting, and i feeljust completely let down with how they have treated these children. a number of pupils have been costed for one to one support in the class, and they don t have them. maggie mccarthy was a teacher at a calcot school. while she was there in 2020, the company made 40% profit. this is money from the public purse that is meant to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable children in society. where it has the money going? not in the places where it has the money going? not in the places it where it has the money going? not in the places it should be. it is immorah the education and futures of these children has been stolen. calcot s owners, who live here on this luxury estate, declined to be interviewed. in a statement, they said. the company is grateful to the bbc for highlighting what it considers to be safeguarding issues.
In July 2018, government suspended the license for Gaagaa Bus Company for a month over a number of fatal accidents, including the one in Kiryandongo District in which more than 20 people died
The capital reached a milestone yesterday when the entire structure of overbridges, constructed to memorialise people who died after being run over by city buses, became visible after completion of the last overbridge in the only remaining spot in Otokhalina.