man, the night newt gingrich became the speaker. the 25th anniversary this year of the contract with america.. and i m thinking, house republicans kind of do a better job than senate republicans, in terms of trying to help the president and his agenda. maybe it would be a good idea to put the top ten items on paper, nationalize the election, you would be the next speaker of the house, mitch mcconnell would run and win in kentucky, easily. then we would have promises thas can help the president so he doesn t have to do all the heavy lifting by himself, which too often, i think, is the case. exactly. this president has to do so much.o but the house republicans are with this president. the promises he has made in the campaign, this is where americas is so he is one of the first presidents that kept his promises his promises. sean: shocking. he has kept more promises than he but we should put it on paper,ho we should tell the american public what we can accomplis
sean: this is a fox news alert. iranian aggression escalating again tonight. joining is now from our fox newr room, didn t work out how they wanted, but dangerous nonetheless. yeah, sean. a senior u.s. official confirming to fox news tonight at five iranian islamic revolutionary guard gunboats tried to seize a british oil tanker. british heritage was at the northern entrance of the straight, but a british work trip approached and threaten to open fire. spokesman for u.s. central command confirming the u.s. is aware of the actions and adding threats to international freedom of navigation regarding an international solution. the world economy depends on the free flow of commerce and
also texas congressman dan crenshaw. but seriously, there should be one thing we agree on but it is not the case. there has always been the blame america first crowd. now there is the hate america contingency out there and i m trying to understand why. what country with a prefer we model? yes, we are sitting here right now outside of st. louis city hall behind us where patriots descended there and said look, it only takes 15 seconds to say the pledge of allegiance. obviously this is a liberalto town, so you have mixed reaction. some liberals said we want to get the pledge of allegiance, some of them says it is discriminatory towards somee citizens in this country. the bottom line is this, we have issues in america but at the end of the day, we should be united on the causes of america. it s the constitution that gives us so much protection. this starts on the college
keep us safe against enemies, foreign and domestic, well, they turn them on the trump campaign and other american citizens and the transition team, and on the trump presidency. we have four separate russian collusion investigations. all four cleared the president of any wrongdoing. there is no more ambiguity, there are no questions to ask anymore. house democrats are now conducting the fifth and sixth investigations into collusion, so-called collusion that didn t happen.n, the only collision that happened was hillary clinton s dirty dossier. that is how democrats are spending your tax dollars. this is nothing more, at this point, than presidential harassment and abuse of power by them. people like nadler, cowardly schiff leading these brand-new probes, wasting the country s time and they are now having innocent american citizens that have to once again lawyer up, they are going bankrupt in some cases as they are called to answer the same questions for fourth, fifth, sixth time and they
inspector general to get a hold of but what really needs to happen is the u.s. attorney in connecticut needs to get all this information as quickly ass possible and then interview all these people under oath in front of a grand jury. sean: devin nunes, ranking member house, intel community, thank you. one of the great things about live television is in the middle of the show somebody can text you and say, sean, i think your flag is upside down and i get to fix it. not on purpose, i promise. we respect old glory. coming up, more investigations. media trying to tie president trump to the convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein, but they ignore the clinton connections. wait until they hear the connections he does have. pam bondi, jeff lord next. later, an all-out war breaking out. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, her public feud with speaker pelosi is escalating and a circular firing squad forming and it has gone to a whole new level. we will break that news straight ahead.