A PROJECT to renovate a village play area has been completed after raising more than £46,000. The Burton Bradstock Play Area was officially opened on Saturday, July 24 following two years of fundraising and donations from members of the public, local businesses, grant funding and Burton Bradstock Parish Council. The project was completed with the installation of a large climbing frame with a slide, a small double slide unit and a four way springer this year. This is in addition to work done in phase one of the prokect, where two new sets of swings were installed, along with new fencing, a rain shelter and a large zip wire.
AN ANNUAL flower and produce show went ahead at the weekend with plenty of awards given out to contestants. The Burton Bradstock Flower and Produce Show took place for the first time in two years at the Burton Bradstock Village Hall on Saturday, July 17. Despite initial concerns over how well the event would be supported, there was an excellent level of entries for the 69 different categories of fruit, vegetables, arts and crafts, preserves, cookery and photography. The Burton Bradstock Village Society, the group charged with putting on the show, was also very pleased with the attendance on the day. Cups for the various categories were presented by society chairman, Peter Broomhead, in the Rectory Garden to allow for distancing.