at an increased fahrenheit and satisfy the requirement for nutrition in operational rations, approximately 1300 calories with carbohydrates, protein and fat. also being able to dropped thousands of feet without bursting open. all of that sounds like a tall enough order, but according to the washington post, military food scientists are going further than those requirements. they are experimenting with changing the properties of common foods to make them more useful to soldiers in the field. lacing applesauce with a motto dextrin for extra cards for an extra boost from your applesauce. they also say they are leasing other food with a mega threes or with kirke men, i think that is how you set it, an anti-inflammatory. also with calf needed meet. caffeinated meat, you heard me. castigated it meet.
rationing, i.e., approximately 1300 calories with specific ratios of carbohydrates, protein and fat and be capable of being dropped thousands of feet by parachute without bursting open. it seems like a tall enough order for inventing mres, but according to the washington post military food scientists are going further. they re experimenting with changing the properties of some common foods to make them more useful to soldiers in the fields. like, for example, lacing up applesauce with maltodextrin for extra carbs for the applesauce. they re lacing other food with omega 3s or with an anti-inflammatory. they re experimenting with caffeinated meat, caffeinated meat. you heard me. caffeinated meat, specifically beef jerky that contains the caffeine equivalent of a cup of coffee. now, our staff on the show today was about three hours late to the rest of the news in the