in food or business took impossible from one restaurant to over 30,000, including burger king and starbucks and 20,000 stores. here we go. the moment of truth. lots of burger. oh, yeah. mid-rare to medium. they are? absolutely. okay. you ever heard of a burger taste? this is what we do. we taste the burger. cheers. wow. that s really good. got to go in for seconds. reporter: and since everything is political, these days, don t take my word for it. get a load of conservative fire brand and ranch owner, glen beck. i would say a is a that s meat. is meat. b is the fake burger. b is the real burger. a is the impossible burger. that is insane.
oh, beautiful. all of this will be made with flavored plants and in five years, a guy with no experience in food or business took impossible, from one restaurant, to over 30,000, including burger king and starbucks and 20,000 stores. here we go. the moment of truth. lots of burger. oh, yeah. mid, rare, to medium. absolutely. you ever heard of a burger taste? this is what we do. we taste the burger. cheers. wow. that s really good. got to go in for seconds. reporter: and since everything is political, these days, don t take my word for it. get a load of conservative fire brand and ranch owner, glen beck. i would say a is meat. b is the fake burger.
classic pat kty melt. we are going to show you some meatballs for the beef. and then, the pork variety, we are going to do some buns, as well as some pork bolognese. oh, beautiful. all of this will be made with flavored plants and in five years, a guy with no experience in food or business took impossible, from one restaurant, to over 30,000, including burger king and starbucks and 20,000 stores. here we go. the moment of truth. lots of burger. oh, yeah. mid, rare, to medium. absolutely. you ever heard of a burger taste? this is what we do. we taste the burger. cheers. wow. that s really good. got to go in for seconds. reporter: and since everything is political, these