Bureau of Land Management to conduct multiple-day prescribed burn
Kingman, Ariz. – The Bureau of Land Management Kingman Field Office will conduct a multiple-day prescribed burn on Goodwin Mesa, about 50 miles southeast of Kingman, pending appropriate weather and seasonal conditions, from early June through July 2021. The Goodwin Mesa Burn will cover approximately 6,000 acres of BLM land and will take two to three days to complete.
This is one in a series of treatments designed to improve the native grassland ecosystem on Goodwin Mesa by reducing woody species, stimulating growth of native grasses, and returning fire to its natural role in the environment. The burn will help improve forage for wildlife and livestock as well as manage fuel loads so that natural fires are less destructive. The project is being conducted in the summer to mimic the natural fire cycle and maximize the benefit of monsoon rains following the burn.