Since its establishment following the enactment of the Sexual Harassment (Protection and Prevention) Act in July 2023, the Sexual Harassment Investigation Unit has held sensitisation sessions with 28.
With the official launch of a gender-based violence (GBV) helpline, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport Olivia "Babsy" Grange has argued that men cannot be left out or discouraged.
STRONG EMPHASIS is being placed on faith-based organisations in the National Strategic Action Plan to Eliminate Gender-based Violence (NSAP-GBV) in Jamaica. The plan, which was launched in 2018 by the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and.
Strong emphasis is being placed on faith-based organisations in the National Strategic Action Plan to Eliminate Gender-based Violence (NSAP-GBV) in Jamaica. The plan, which was launched in 2018 by the gender ministry, aims to prevent violence,.