The Israeli president shared his vision for a ‘Renewable Middle East,’ where countries in the region work together to develop climate solutions for the rest of the world
CLOSING DATE AND TIME: May 11, 2021, 12:00 P.M. Eastern Time
SUBJECT: Solicitation for
Dear Prospective Offerors:
The United States Government (USG), represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Global Policy, Partnerships, Programs, and Communications (G3PC), is seeking offers from qualified U.S. citizens to provide personal service as a Humanitarian Advisor, United States Mission to the United Nations (USUN) under a United States Personal Services Contract (USPSC), as described in the solicitation.
Submittals must be in accordance with the attached information at the place and time specified. Offerors interested in applying for this position MUST submit the following materials: