With ABSD rates as high as it is (recently increased to 20 per cent from 17), some Singaporeans have started to look for various other options. While going overseas is one possible route, not everyone wants to deal with learning a whole new set of rules or dealing with risks such as currency. That means getting creative, such as considering.
If you need to move in immediately but still want something as new as possible, then your best bet is any project that just received its Temporary Occupancy Permit (TOP). It's admittedly not the cheapest time to buy, and you're not getting the first picks but sometimes you just don't have the luxury of time (or maybe you're a.
As we reach the end of Q3 2023, more homes are finally being finished, and new cooling measures are starting to bite. This will no doubt have an effect on sales eventually, but for now, it seems as if those who bought earlier for the first batch of new launches from 2017/18 will be happy with their decisions indeed. From.