Suppers JAY Frank L. Mitchell VFW Post 3335, 64 Jewell St., Post 3335 take out suppers. This month will feature comfort foods. This week, the menu for Oct. 20 will be homemade baked beans, red hot dogs, cole slaw, brown bread, chocolate cake $12. Serving starts at 5 p.m. Please call ahead to reserve […]
Suppers JAY Frank L. Mitchell VFW Post 3335, 64 Jewell St., Post 3335 take out suppers. This month will feature comfort foods. This week, the menu for Oct. 13 will be Shepard’s Pie, salad, brownies for $12. Serving starts at 5 p.m. Please call ahead to reserve your meal, 897-2122. CARTHAGE Public Harvest […]
Suppers JAY Frank L. Mitchell VFW Post 3335, 64 Jewell St., Post 3335 take out suppers. This month will feature comfort foods. This week, the menu for Oct. 11 will be Shepard’s Pie, salad, brownies for $12. Serving starts at 5 p.m. Please call ahead to reserve your meal, 897-2122. CARTHAGE Public Harvest […]
Suppers JAY Frank L. Mitchell VFW Post 3335, 64 Jewell St., Post 3335 take out suppers. This month will feature comfort foods. This week, the menu for Oct. 6 will be Shepard’s Pie, salad, brownies for $12. Serving starts at 5 p.m. Please call ahead to reserve your meal, 897-2122. CARTHAGE Public Harvest […]
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LIVERMORE FALLS American Legion Post 10 is offering a way to honor or remember a veteran by placing a flag on the Veterans Memorial Hill of Flags on the side lawn of the Regional School Unit 73 Central Office, which faces Route 133.
Flags are available for a donation of $5 each and will be on display from May 27 to June 4, including Memorial Day.
The new 12- by 18-inch American flags will be placed on the hill by members of Post 10 and their families.
People are asked to send a check made out to “George Bunten Post 10” for the number of flags they would like. Mail them to George Bunten Post 10, 17 Reynolds Ave. Livermore Falls, ME 04254. In the note area of the check or note attached to the check indicate it is for Veterans Memorial Hill. Also, include a note with the check or cash and list the name of the veteran(s) for whom the flag is for and indicate if it is “in honor” of or “in memory” of a veteran.