There are some sure-five ways experts have come up with to put a smile back on your face - and here are FIVE of the things they agreed will make us happier
Even those with a jaundiced view on matrimony still see the wedding night as something to look forward to. After months of planning and executing a wedding, you’re now alone with the spouse you vowed to spend the rest of your life with - starting with the wedding night
By Bunmi Sofola
It was supposed to be one of these common-place flings that married men have all of the time but when Banky embarked on his a few years ago, it changed the course of his life, and his family’s forever. According to him: “I was one of the early casualties of the so-called current economic crunch. I lost my job when the small company I worked for pruned its staff to just six. I was the accountant, and my misfortune happened just about when the bi-annual rent of our flat was due and I couldn’t pay up. In the end, my parents-in-law agreed to accommodate us … in their home until I found a job.
Vanguard News
Love rats can never be reformed
By Bunmi Sofola
It was a bit uncanny. I was at this seminar when a professionally dressed female executive flitted across the room and she reminded me of a younger version of Angela.
We were classmates in secondary school. Very intelligent and a bookworm, she did so well for herself that after getting a good job, she landed a husband that she thought was a catch. But we all knew Rasheed, her husband – there wasn’t any of us he hadn’t hit on.
A few had actually fallen under his modus operandi; fancy presents, cooking gourmet meals, and following them around like a lost poppy and giving them the impression that his life would end any time the affair ended.
Vanguard News
Diet guaranteed to boost your orgasm
By Bunmi Sofola
In spite of all the enlightenment going on about meaningful sex, judging by your text messages, it isn’t enough for some of you readers to achieve the pleasure you crave and sometimes it feels as if you’re destined to go through your whole life without really having an orgasm.
Quite a number would want to try some aphrodisiacs, but according to Marrena, a sexologist from Boston, USA, you don’t need them. She believes you can work your way to a climax and has written a book revealing the secrets of orgasm diet.