out front tonight, party like it s 1984. today s job news might start to seal the deal for re-election. that s his hope. unemployment in america fell to 8.3% as the country added 343,000 jobs. the recovery is speeding up. we ve got to do everything in our power to keep it going. which reminds us of another president who found himself in a similar situation during his re-election year. i am pleased to report that america is much improved. and there s good reason to believe that improvement will phenomenon through the days to come. reagan won on this. it s morning again in america. today, more men and women will go to work than ever bachelor in our country s history. with interest rates about half the record highs of 1980. tonight, we ask a question we asked before when the jobs picture improved the last time in our country. the last time when reagan was reelected, the unemployment rate was 8%. compare that to today s 8.3%. by the time the re-election rolled aroun
tom davis. i m candy crowley. and this is state of the union. the president said he wanted a deal by friday so lawmakers met with him at the white house day after day after day. they took a break friday, and the president pushed again. if washington operates as usual and can t get anything done, let s at least avert armageddon. joining me now, white house budget director jacob liu. thanks for being here this morning. good to be with you, candy. we are told by hill sources that since the last white house meeting on thursday and this morning there has been no progress. do you concur? i think quite a bit has been going on since the meeting at the white house on thursday night. there s been activity. has there been progress? there s been activity and progress i think on two fronts. first, there are substantial discussions going on in the senate between the two leaders to make sure that at a minimum congress has a way to take action and avoid default on the u.s. de