unusual newsday, which may b in part a function of th holiday? but i don t really think, so i think it s just turning out to be an unusual newsday. first, of all i should mention that this remarkable search an rescue operation is stil underway right now about 370 miles off the coas of newfoundland in the north atlantic a submarine is an autonomous self supporting undersea vessel. a submersible, as opposed to a submarine, is a vessel tha also goes under the water bu it is not autonomous it has the use either anothe ship or a surface platform o some kind as a home base t which it is based. the vehicle that has been lost that they are looking for righ now, is a submersible. the ship from which it launche lost contact with it yesterday about an hour and 45 minutes after it started a dive. the dive was supposed to b about two and a half hours down, three hours on the bottom of the ocean, and then another tw hours back so it was about eight hour beneath the waves but about an hour
trial in two jurisdictions o more than 60 felonies combined and maybe more to come consider also that the runner-up to the front runne in republican polling right no is really pitching his whole tent on this crusade against wokeness well meanwhile, in florida, th naacp the same naacp that ryan rings around the last florid politicians who tried to run this playbook in the 1950s today they launched a five-day bus tour a five-day, 15 city bus tour i florida on what they are calling the state woke tour. stay woke florida. funny, they do not think o that as an epithet, or rolling protest. they started off today rolling the stay woke boss ended tallahassee, then gainesville, are gonna hit 15 cities in florida over the next five days again, they are calling at the stay woke florida tore from th
in the country and a increasingly diverse population, particularly getting more an more diverse all of the time i florida cities that state, in the 1950s was effectively run by hard-line conservatives just from th rural parts of the state very, very conservative stat in terms of its governance i the 50s. and, in the 1950s, the mos powerful politicians in th really hard-core conservativ florida state government, they decided that they were going t go after the naacp and the were going to make a big sho of it. they were going to bring the power of the state governmen to bear by going after and exposing and running into th ground the naacp because the said the naacp was a bunch o communists the naacp was, of course at th time fighting for civil rights fighting for desegregation among other things florida conservatives an florida state government at th time they decided that this wa
marxism, this was communism, and they were going to end tha in the state of florida usin the power of the state government and so in the 50s they convene hearings in which they planned basically, to harangue and mak a public example out of some o these naacp economies and they called up naacp members as their witnesses for these live hearings and what survives on tape from that history, which we have th benefit of today, is that thos naacp witnesses were havin none of it they were not going to tak this lying down, they were not gonna be used for some political stunt, and, when pus came to shove and it was tim to do those public hearings, they just ran rings around the politicians. they ran rings around this florida inquisition that was supposed to shut them down listen to this
naacp. just as governor ron desanti is traveling the country wit all the early voting states, assuming he does not ever have to become a good speaker if he can just wag his finger at audiences like he is mad a them and say the word woke ove and over again and that is all he will need that will do the trick for him it is funny, not everybody hears that were the same way you do the reason the naacp stay woke florida bus tour kicked of today is because today is june 19th, aka juneteenth the confederate army lost th civil war, surrendered it in april of 1965. it was not until june 19th 186 when the union army came t galveston texas to issue general order number three basically saying we mean it. here too it said, quote, in accordanc