How do solar cells actually was surface else are mainly composed of silicone. Silicon asms have full electrons in their outer shell and are stable but then the silicone is split into 2 layers. Bosphorus is mixed into one like it has 5 electrons in its outer shell one too many which can orbit for. The 2nd layer is mixed with boron which has only 3 out electrons one to feel. That means the layer has gaps which attract the excess phosphorus electrons this creates a flow of negatively charged electrons from one layer to the other one layer loses electrons and becomes positive the other gains electrons and becomes negative creating 2 poles eventually all the gaps on the surface of. Is occupied the holes and the electrons are now to florida plant to migrate them with the sun comes in when some light hits the surface layer splits on one electron making a hold on to supply selection. The electron is attracted to the positive and the hole goes another electron from lower down to replace the one