howard: elon musk fueled a media firestorm by suspending the twitter accounts of a dozen journalists who cover him. twitter told some of the reporters they were permanently banned, then musk said it would be for a week. he reinstated most of them yesterday after 59% in a twitter poll said resore their accounts now. restore their accounts. that was actually the second poll. he banned college sophomore jack sweeney for posting realtime information about his realtime jet flights calling them, basically, assassination coordinates. but some but not all of the journalists linked to sweeney s account which got them booted. i ve mostly defended elon musk until now, but how does the free speech crew saider suspend a unbun crusader suspend a bunch of i think, first of all, free speech absolutism is not a position that min occupies other than the most anyone occupies
Judging in Las Vegas for the London International Awards is over. The judges in every jury have poured over the work and spent a lot of time discussing and debating each shortlisted entry at great length.