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nixon heads back to the campaign trail. fearful that lbj will swing the election to the democrats by getting north and south vietnam to talk peace. but nixon was playing to win. ready to undermine lbj to steer saigon away from the negotiating table with a word in the ear of the south vietnamese president. from richard nixon s asian connection, mrs. ana chennault. connection, mrs. ana chennault (burke) fender-biter. seen it, covered it. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
he wouldn t let the ship go sideways. (burke) fender-biter. seen it, covered it. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum whooo! want to take your next vacation to new heights? tripadvisor now lets you book over a hundred thousand tours, attractions, and experiences in destinations around the world! like new york!