i spent four weeks crocheting sexy eskimo hot pants. i guess it s back to being a goblin. although i imagine that s offensive to the decease. the msnbc line - up.ut this is all part of what i calli cower power. schools pretend to carry about the sensitivities of certain groups when they re really terrified of victimhood.ied victimhoods are thuggish cryho babies who sit and wait for something it perceives as hurtful, even when it s dumb fun like dressing up. this is the politically correct recognized as a bullying mob. they aren t really offended byee costumes, it just feels good to have an impact, especially whenl you re a zero. they re intolerant. what am i going to be this halloween? i m going to go as chris matthews. i m not going to go to the bathroom for six days so by halloween i ll be full of crap. oh, my gosh. he started another fight.
they said specifically to no cowboys or oversexualizing a culture and there went my costume, because i just spent four weeks crocheting some sexy hot pants, but i guess we are back to the goblins, and this is all part of what i call the cower power, and the schools are caring about the sensitivities of the groups, when they are terrified of the victim hoods, and victim hoods are the thuggish cry babies who perceive it as hurtful as something as dumb as dressing up. this is like a bullying mob. they are not offended by the costumes, but it feels good to have a impact especially when you are a zero and now they are the intolerant skull, and they relike dean of animal house and this halloween, i want to go as chris mathews and i m not going to go to the bathroom for six days so that by halloween, i