Shweta Singh, the 18-year-old main accused in the Bulli Bai row, who was arrested by the police on Tuesday, lost both parents. She has three siblings, among whom two are school students. Here's all about the accused.
Bulli Bai case, Bulli Bai app row, Bulli Bai app arrest, Bulli Bai news updates, Bulli Bai news today,Bulli Bai breaking updates, Bulli Bai latest news updates
Investigations by Mumbai Police have revealed that not only Bulli Bai, but several other handles were used on social media platforms, ostensibly intended drive a wedge between Sikh and Muslim communities.
Three people have been arrested so far in connection with the 'Bulli Bai' app which targeted Muslim women by putting up their images online for auction', Mumbai Police Commissioner Hemant Nagrale said on Wednesday.