you if you recognize that? i do. how do you recognize that? the daily case number, the exhibit number and my initials. and what what do you recognize it to be? it is one fired 9 millimetre lugger cartridge case. when you receive a firearm in a fire casing, are you able to determine whether or not that particular casing came from that particular firearm? yes. how can you do that? with a submitted firearm and magazine that i will use laboratory and/or evidence ammunition to test fire that pistol. i will then collect the fired cartridge cases and compare those microscopically to the evidence cartridge case to the cases that i received. did you do that with the shell casing or cartridge case in this case and the cal tek pistol? yes. what did you find? the cartridge case was fired with the pistol. did you also receive some bullet trafficmentes in this case? yes, i did. your honor, may i again