"It is a feeling of impermanence, of the sifting boundaries of shelter and safety and our understanding of it that connects the many complex themes in this exhibition," writes visual arts reviewer KERRY-ANNE COUSINS.
Bull Kelp in South and Central Puget Sound has declined more than 90% over the last 150 years - and eelgrass meadows severely declined as well, according to a new report just delivered to lawmakers. The Washington Department of Natural Resources new plan aims to reverse the losses. The DNR s Co-lead on the Kelp and Eelgrass Health and Conservation Plan Cynthia Harbison said the goal is to conserve and recover at least 10,000 acres of kelp and eelgrass habitat by 2040. .
Scientists are in a race right now to save underwater kelp forests along much of the California Coastline that are being devoured by a species of sea urchin. Researchers say the bull kelp forests play an important role in the region's underwater ecosystem and the survival of area fish and wildlife.