Through the sale, the VC fund bagged about Rs 230 crore. As of September end, Fireside held 7.57% in the company. Meanwhile, Norges Bank on account of The Government Pension Fund Global has picked up 0.77% in Honasa Consumer, according to exchange data.
According to the bulk deal data available with the NSE, Softbank through its affiliate SVF Doorbell (Cayman) Ltd sold 1,83,05,480 shares, amounting to a 2.5 per cent stake in Delhivery.
At 11.41 a.m., the stock was trading 5.6% lower at Rs 102.1 over its last day s closing price of Rs 108.1 apiece. However, the stock has surged over 70% year-to-date, while it rallied over 75% in the past six months. Meanwhile, the stock has declined nearly 24% in the past two years.
The company caters to customers across segments including government and semi-government projects, refineries, fertilizer plants, power sector, pharma among others.