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gentle, almost like he wouldn t hurt a fly. i don t know what his game is. on other sites, he presented himself as a spiritual healer and ordained minister of the online universal life church where his profile describes him as enlightened. he offered angel card readings, guided audio meditations like this one. close your eyes, try to visualize yourself breathing. he was a member of dozens of online new age spiritual groups and social networking sites. he went by aliases, calling himself michael bodie and chase seville. most of all, lane made his living as a computer whiz, building websites, which is exactly what he was doing in the months before ginger s murder, when he was living in southern california. it s where he met the reverend danielle hewitt from the temple of light. tell me about the temple of light.
i don t know what his game is. on other sites, he presented himself as a spiritual healer and ordained minister of the online universal life church where his profile describes him as enlightened. he offered angel card readings, guided audio meditations like this one. close your eyes, try to visualize yourself breathing. he was a member of dozens of online new age spiritual groups and social networking sites. he went by aliases, calling himself michael bodie and chase seville. most of all, lane made his living as a computer whiz, building websites, which is exactly what he was doing in the months before ginger s murder, when he was living in southern california. it s where he met the reverend danielle hewitt from the temple of light. tell me about the temple of light. temple of light is a spiritual wellness center, a place to have a very personal
i don t know what his game is. on other sites, he presented himself as a spiritual healer and ordained minister of the online universal life church where his profile describes him as enlightened. he offered angel card readings, guided audio meditations like this one. close your eyes, try to visualize yourself breathing. he was a member of dozens of online new age spiritual groups and social networking sites. he went by aliases, calling himself michael bodie and chase seville. most of all, lane made his living as a computer whiz, building websites, which is exactly what he was doing in the months before ginger s murder, when he was living in southern california. it s where he met the reverend danielle hewitt from the temple of light. tell me about the temple of light. temple of light is a