Australian Greens
Madam Speaker, the Greens have in the past made the point that every budget, now, needs to be a climate budget. We know that declaring a climate emergency wasn’t theoretical but is driving us to further urgent action.
This budget has climate action as its headline, and delivers climate responses – not just in the obvious ways, either, but in the broadest interpretation. This is a significant and positive change. The Greens took the platform of a Building a Better Normal to the election, and as you can see with six MLAs here today, many people in Canberra chose that Better Normal. This budget is one of the first clear steps towards that.
HomeJurisdictionAustralian Capital Territory ACT to establish climate action entity under $307 million climate change plan
ACT to establish climate action entity under $307 million climate change plan
By Shannon Jenkins
Friday January 22, 2021
“We share your commitment to the rule of law.” (Image: ACT Legislative Assembly)
The ACT government will create an Office of the Coordinator General for Climate Action to ensure the territory meets its commitments to tackling climate change.
Establishing the office is one of many initiatives outlined by water, energy and emissions reduction minister Shane Rattenbury on Thursday.
Under the upcoming 2020-21 budget, the territory government will spend $307 million over five years transition the ACT to net zero emissions. Of the funds, $150 million will go toward a Sustainable Household Scheme that will offer zero-interest loans of up to $15,000 to help households cover the upfront costs of rooftop solar panels, household battery sto