problem is students hiding their cell phone in their uggs. in a letter to parents the school says they may continue to wear outdoor boots to and from school to protect them but need to change into sneakers or shoes to before entering home room. my daughter don t have a lot of shoes. she ain t been raised on a silver spoon and i can t afford to buy her a whole bunch of shoes to keep changing every day. the principal points out students are required to take their winter coats and hats off when they get into school as well. what does your gut tell you? what has the school right to ban uggs and other shoes in class. go to to cast your vote. take a look at what the news nation is say basic. we asked if it was fair for the city council to remove a woman s name from the ballot because she did not speak english.
rate was 5.1 percent and now it is 3.5 percent and falling. people are not learning anything on the savingsings so they did not have an incentive to save. so, people are dipping into savings, and this is what i call frugal fatigue, people are tired of being frugal and they have been buying tablets, smartphones, video games and uggs. they want do shop. trace: people are just tired of not spending money, but, here is the thing i am concerned about. you notice that credit cards are being used more than debit cards and maybe is because the banks are giving more incentives to use the credit cards but what happens at the the end of the month the bills fly in. ex-you are right, the incentives were changed and people are using credit cards more and the banks have the interchange face which went from 44 cents to 24 cents and as a result they have taken away the rewards people
people are. we monitor that all the time. daniel sieberg, as always, thank you. my pleasure. we would be remiss if we didn t mention check us out, jansingco. i am sorry to tell you, that s right. it s the end of summer. happy fall is what we need to say. trending on twitter, today s tweets of the day come from you. shopaholic chic writes, have officially broken outed uggs. also, going to buy pumpkins to celebrate the season and also, easily my favorite season. cider, bright leaves and watching the cubs. an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. good morning, students. today we re gonna continue. thanks.
broadcasting in 150 different countries, oprah has had 283 different favorite things. and when she speaks, we listen. she transformed a generation in what we call the oprah effect. don t you love a good knife? this is a kyocera ceramic knife. reporter: take kyocera. this ceramic knife set, included on her favorite things list and right after, national cookware chain sur la table sold more of these bad boys than they had the year before. from spanx, to panini presses to uggs, oprah s list makes the products must-haves for viewers. we were lucky to be oprah s favorite things. and overnight things changed. reporter: patricia helding, founder of fat witch brownies, was featured on oprah s favorite things in 2002. the phone did not stop ringing. we could not keep up with it. it took us six months to get through all the orders.
jail for dogfighting, he was one of the most sought after endorsers in sports. > s, food clothing,prices may not may be gng up, t yobucan ndfiargains the new y vera gibbons looked through everything to find out where to make the most of our dollars this year. thank you for trekking over through the snow. in my uggs. those are not on sale, but electronics are? yes. there s a lot of demand, and they re constantly coming out with the latest and greatest. electronics are big-time on sale. the kindle is $99 this year. ip don t feel like kindle is $99. that s a price point that will resonate very well with consumers. uch iphones that are $49 down from $199 a couple of years ago. if you want to buy electronics, 2011 is the year for that. i like me and my kindle on the couch.