Former Minister Without Portfolio Abdu Nadduli has urged the ruling National Resistance Movement not to ignore the cries of Luweero Triangle fighters, who have never been equitably appreciated.
Heart, vessel diseases leading cause of deaths, say experts
Sunday April 18 2021
Surgeons operate on a patient at the Uganda Heart Institute at Mulago in Kampala on April 17, 2017 . Photos | Rachel Mabala
Dr Omagino, a cardiac (heart) surgeon, says the institute handles more than 20,000 patients with cardiovascular diseases annually, and that they have performed more than 7,000 heart operations since it started open heart surgery in 2007.
Diseases of heart and blood vessels have risen to become one of the major causes of illnesses and deaths in the country.
Non-communicable diseases, including heart diseases, contribute to 40 per cent of deaths in the country, according to Ministry of Health.
Daily Monitor
Friday January 15 2021
Mr Peter Mulira says: Moshi is the immediate cause of our present predicament where the gun is the master.
One Thursday afternoon in March 1979, Robert Sebunnya, presently the Presidential Adviser on Buganda Affairs, came to me in Nairobi to inform me that I had been selected to be in the delegation of one of the Anti-Amin groups at the Moshi Conference.
The Moshi Conference of all anti-Amin Ugandan groups was a brain-child of President Nyerere, who wanted a Ugandan political cover to the military victory the Tanzanian army was now sensing.
As it turned out, Nyerere succeeded in getting a political solution he wanted, but handed the country to military cabals.